25. jún 2021 LGBTI+ Professionals Picnic

LGBTI+ Professionals Picnic
Piatok, 25. jún 2021, 16:00 – 20:00
Sad Janka Kráľa, Bratislava

Pozvánka: LGBTI+ Professionals Picnic, 25.6.2021, Bratislava

Milí priatelia a priateľky Diversity Pro a Nadácie Pontis,

Srdečne Vás pozývame na neformálny LGBTI+ Professionals Picnic, ktorý sa uskutoční v Sade Janka Kráľa v Bratislave v piatok, 25.6.2021 medzi 16 a 20h.

Organizátormi podujatia sú Diversity Pro a Nadácia Pontis.

Ako nás nájdete? Spoznáte nás vďaka úsmevu na tvári a dúhovým dekám rozloženými na zemi. Prosím vezmite si pre istotu i svoju deku.

Čo Vás čaká? Príjemné popoludnie v kruhu priateľov a priateliek. Pripravené bude i malé občerstvenie. Neváhajte si priniesť so sebou i vlastné jedlo.

Pozor súťaž! Na troch z Vás, ktorí prinesiete vlastné jedlo s dúhovou tematikou čakajú farebné ceny.

Účasť je dobrovoľná a podmienená potvrdením do 18.6. na info@diversitypro.eu.

Tešíme sa na Vás!

Invitation: LGBTI+ Professionals Picnic, 25.6.2021, Bratislava

Dear friends of Diversity Pro and Pontis Foundation,

You are warmly welcome to an informal LGBTI+ Professionals Picnic, that will take place in the Sad Janka Kráľa in Bratislava on Friday, 25.6.2021 between 4pm and 8pm.

The organizers are Diversity Pro and Pontis Foundation.

How to find us? You will recognise us based on our smile on the face and the rainbow blankets on the ground. Please, take your blanket just in case.

What you can expect? Pleasant afternoon in the company of your friends. There will also be a small refreshment. Do not hesitate to bring your own food and drinks.

Heads-up! Competition! Three of you that will bring a self-prepared meal with a rainbow theme will get colorful prizes.

Participation is voluntary but requires registration before 18.6. via info@diversitypro.eu.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

17. máj 2021 Online LGBTI+ Business Fórum 2021

Online LGBTI+ Business Fórum 2021
Pondelok, 17. máj 2021, 15:00 – 18:00
Online Event

Vážená pani, Vážený pán,

s potešením Vám oznamujeme, že sme si aj tento rok pre Vás pripravili Online LGBTI+ Business Fórum 2021. Uskutoční sa 17. mája 2021 medzi 15:00 a 18:00 cez platformu Zoom. Registrácia je možná už od 14:30.

Hlavnou témou bude diskriminácia a obťažovanie na pracovisku. Pripravili sme si pre Vás rôznorodý program. Podrobnú agendu nájdete v prílohe. Bude zabezpečené aj tlmočenie do anglického jazyka.

Budete si môcť vypočuť širokú škálu odborníkov a odborníčok. Prihovoria sa k nám i Mária Patakyová z Kancelárie verejnej ochrankyne práv ako aj Silvia Porubänová zo Slovenského národného strediska pre ľudské práva. Máme pre Vás pripravené najnovšie výsledky výskumov, prehľad inštitúcií, ktoré sa predmetnou témou zaoberajú ako aj pohľad zo strany poradenského centra či personálneho oddelenia. Príspevkovú časť spoločne zavŕšime interaktívnym workshopom.

Hlavným partnerom podujatia je spoločnosť IBM. Partnerom podujatia je Veľvyslanectvo Holandského kráľovstva. Podujatie mediálne podporila aj Nadácia Pontis s Chartou diverzity Slovensko.

V prípade otázok nás môžete kontaktovať na info@diversitypro.eu.

Tešíme sa na Vašu účasť na Online Fóre.

Oficiálny program

Dear Sir, Dear Madam,

We are pleased to announce that we have prepared the Online LGBTI+ Business Forum 2021 for you this year, as well. It will take place on May 17th, 2021 between 15:00 and 18:00 via Zoom. Registration is possible from 14:30.

The main topic will be discrimination and harassment in the workplace. We have prepared a diverse program for you. You will find the detailed agenda in the attachment. Simultaneous English interpretation will be provided as well.

You will have the opportunity to hear from a wide range of experts. The presenters will include Mária Patakyová from the Office of the Public Defender of Rights and Silvia Porubänová from the Slovak National Center for Human Rights. We have also prepared for you the latest research results, an overview of institutions dealing with this topic as well as a view from the counselling center or human resources. After the presentations we will participate together in an interactive workshop.

The main partner is IBM. The partner of the event is the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The event is also promoted by the Pontis Foundation with Diversity Charter Slovakia.

In case of any questions you can contact us at info@diversitypro.eu.

We are looking forward to your participation in the Online Forum.

Official program

5. október 2020 Lgbti+ Business Forum 2020

Lgbti+ Business Forum 2020
Pondelok, 5. október 2020, 15:00 – 17:00
Bratislava, Slovenská Republika

V mene Diversity Pro, si Vás dovoľujem pozvať na Online LGBTI+ Business Fórum 2020, ktoré sa uskutoční dňa 5. októbra 2020 od 15:00 do 17:00 v Bratislave.

Inšpirovaní súčasnou diskusiou o netradičných rodinách na Slovensku sme zvolili tému zamestnaneckých benefitov a prístupu zamestnávateľov k právnemu rámcu na Slovensku, ktorý pojednáva výlučne o tradičných rodinách a ich členoch.

Oficiálny program

Ďakujeme všetkým našim partnerom a rečníkom, ktorí prejavili záujem podporiť organizáciu tohto podujatia ako i všetkým čo potvrdili svoju účasť. Menovite by sme radi poďakovali Francúzskemu veľvyslanectvu a Francúzskemu inštitútu, Holandskému veľvyslanectvu, Veľvyslanectvu Spojených štátov amerických, Írskemu veľvyslanectvu, Nemeckému veľvyslanectvu, Talianskemu veľvyslanectvu, Slovenskej akadémii vied, Nadácii Pontis, spoločnostiam IBM, Dell Technologies, Heineken, Up Slovensko, Lenovo a Tesco. Naďalej veríme, že situácia okolo COVID-19 sa upokojí a my budeme skôr či neskôr schopní pokračovať s prípravami a vidieť sa na Fóre.

Tešíme sa na Vašu účasť.

On behalf of Diversity Pro, I am pleased to re-invite you to the Online LGBTI+ Business Forum 2020 to be held on 5th October 2020 between 3pm and 5pm in Bratislava.

Inspired by the current discussions about the non-traditional families in Slovakia the topic of this Forum will cover the employee benefits and how employers respond to the legal framework in Slovakia covering exclusively the needs of the traditional families and their members.

Official program

Thank you to all our partners and speakers who have offered support with organizing this event also as to all who have confirmed their participation. Namely, we would like to thank to the Embassy of France and The French Institute, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Embassy of the United States of America, Embassy of Ireland, Embassy of Germany, Embassy of Italy, the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Pontis Foudation, IBM, Dell Technologies, Heineken, Up Slovensko, Lenovo and Tesco. We stay positive the COVID-19 situation will settle down and we will be sooner or later able to continue with the preparations and to see each other at the Forum.

We are looking forward for your participation.

3. júl 2020 All LGBTI BRG Picnic

All LGBTI BRG Picnic
Piatok, 3. júl 2020, 16:00 – 20:00
Medická záhrada, Blumentálska 10, Bratislava

Ráno 3. júla sa tím Diversity Pro snažil vymyslieť plán B na zmenu lokality pre uskutočnenie All BRG/ERG Pikniku v Medickej záhrade, keďže počasie nevyzeralo prajne. Keď sme sa však poobede stretli tak jediné, čo nám chýbalo, bol opaľovací krém a plán B realizovať vôbec nebolo treba. Piknik pod hlavičkou DiversityPro privítal cez 40 učastníkov a účastníčok z BRG/ERG skupín a vytvoril priestor pre networking a vychutnanie si výborného občerstvenia od Matsu premium tea & coffee. Keďže sa piknik vydaril, Tím Diversity Pro sa zhodol, že chce pokračovať v novej tradícií networkingových a neformálnych podujatí a dúfa, že sa podujatie páčilo každému, kto sa zúčastnil.

In the morning of 3rd of July the team of Diveristy Pro was coming up with the Plan B to change the environment for All BRG/ERG Picnic in Medicka zahrada as the weather seemed rainy and unstable. When we all finally met in the afternoon a sun cream was the only commodity we did not have enough of and plan B was not needed at all! The picnic hosted over 40 participants from ERG/BRG communities and friends, creating a space for networking and enjoying delicious snacks from refreshment bar provided by Matsu premium tea & coffee. Team Diversity Pro wants to hold on to this new tradition of networking and informal events as the picnic turned out to be success and we hope it was well received by all who stopped by.

28. november 2019 Seminár Inkluzívne mestá a firmy

Seminár Inkluzívne mestá a firmy
Štvrtok, 28. november 2019, 09:00 – 15:00
Zrkadlová sieň, Primaciálny palác, Bratislava

Podujatie, ktoré organizovala Nadácia Pontis v spolupráci s Metropolitným inštitútom Bratislava, určené výhradne členom združenia Business Leaders Forum a signatárom Charty diverzity Slovensko. Zaujímavé informácie, príklady dobrej praxe, inšpiratívne príbehy, odporúčania pre mestá a firmy.

Diverzita predstavuje všetky viditeľné, ale aj neviditeľné aspekty, ktorými sa ľudia odlišujú a zároveň sú si podobní – napríklad pohlavie, rasa, vek, sexuálna orientácia či zdravotné postihnutie. Čokoľvek, čo nás robí výnimočnými, prináša nové nápady, inovácie a pozitívne zmeny. Môže byť diverzita výhodou pre mestá a firmy? Aké benefity prináša so sebou kultúrna diverzita? Ako môžu mestá a firmy využívať diverzitu vo svoj prospech?

Seminár Inkluzívne mestá a firmy otvoril Andrej Juriga, ktorý poskytol úvod do problematiky kultúrnej diverzity a medzinárodnej komunikácie.

V druhej časti sme sa spoločne pozreli na “best practices” od signatárov Charty diverzity: firiem Johnson Controls International, Plzeňský Prazdroj Slovensko. S osobným príbehom vystúpil Santiago Mendez z Lenova. V paneli o Pink Economy debatoval aj predseda Diversity Pro Marek Novotný.

Súčasťou podujatia bol slávnostný podpis Charty diverzity novými signatármi.

Kompletný program seminára

17. júl 2019 LGBT Professionals Meeting

LGBT Professionals Meeting
Streda, 17. júl 2019, 17:00 – 21:00

Prijmite prosím pozvanie na podujatie LGBT Professionals 2019 – LGBT Marketing What & Why organizované slovenským občianskym združením Diversity PRO a ich partnerom IBM, dňa 17 júla 2019 od 17:00 do 20:00 v Satori Stage, Mickiewiczova 2246/9, Bratislava.

Jedná sa o podporné podujatie Dúhového Pride Bratislava, ktorý sa bude konať tri dni neskôr dna 20 júla 2019.

Doteraz potvrdili účasť rečníci z firiem IBM, Lenovo, Accenture, Vacuumlabs a Slovenskej sporiteľne. Podelia sa s nami o náhľad do ich nielen marketingových kampaní podporujúcich LGBT diverzitu & inklúziu na pracovisku a na Slovensku. Jazyk podujatia bude angličtina avšak zabezpečíme tlmočenie do slovenčiny.

Registrovať sa môžete cez Facebook, prípadne priamo cez organizátorov Michala Hrebčíka a Mareka Novotného.



You are welcome to join the LGBT Professionals 2019 – LGBT Marketing What & Why event organized by Diversity PRO, Slovak based NGO, in partnership with IBM 17 July 2019 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm in Satori Stage, Mickiewiczova 2246/9, Bratislava.

This will be a supporting event of Bratislava Rainbow Pride held 3 days later 20 July 2019.

At this moment speakers from IBM, Lenovo, Accenture, Vacuumlabs and Slovenska sporitelna confirmed their attendance. They will share their insight into their marketing campaigns in support of LGBT Diversity & Inclusion within their premises and in Slovakia. The event will be mainly in English with interpreting into Slovak.

For more information and to enroll please click at the Facebook enrollment link or contact the organizers Michal Hrebčík and Marek Novotný.




LGBT Professionals 2019 LGBT Professionals 2019 LGBT Professionals 2019 LGBT Professionals 2019 LGBT Professionals 2019 LGBT Professionals 2019

17. október 2018 LGBT Business Forum 2018

LGBT Business Forum 2018
Streda, 17. október 2018, 12:30 – 17:00

LGBTI Business Forum 2018 - Diversity in Business takes place under the auspices of Věra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality.

LGBT Business Forum 2018

17. máj 2018 LGBT Professionals Meeting

LGBT Professionals Meeting
Štvrtok, 17. máj 2018, 17:30 – 21:00

Dear all,

We are delighted to invite you to the LGBT Professionals 2018 event subtitled Social Aspects of LGBT Life in Slovakia to be held on 17th May 2018 from 5:30pm to 21pm in Satori Stage, Mickiewiczowa 9, Bratislava, commemorating IDAHOT, the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia a Biphobia.

The program will be in the Slovak Language with interpreting into English. You will learn about interesting findings from the research on the life of LGBT people in Slovakia from the first Czechoslovak republic until the present days. The presentations will be followed by networking.

The organizers, Emloyee Alliance for LGBT Empowerment (EAGLE) at IBM, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Slovakiaand DiversityPRO are looking forward to see you onboard.


17:30 - 19:15, Satori Stage
Mickiewiczova 9, Bratislava

Marek Novotný
Manažér vzdelávania & Predseda EAGLE Slovakia/ Learning Consultant & EAGLE Slovakia Lead

Martijn Lambarts
Zástupca vedúceho diplomatickej misie/ Deputy Head of Mission
Veľvyslanectvo Holandského kráľovstva/ Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Juraj Droba
Predseda/ Governor
Bratislavský samosprávny kraj/ Bratislava Region

Jana Jablonická-Zezulová
Historička/ Historian
Iniciatíva Inakosť
Emancipácia homosexuality v medzivojnovom a povojnovom Československu na príklade aktivít Imricha Matyáša v rokoch 1896 - 1974/ Emancipation of Homosexuality in the Interwar Czechoslovakia Based on Activities of Imrich Matyas Between 1896- 1974

Martin Macko
Výkonný riaditeľ/Director
Iniciatíva Inakosť
Celoslovenský LGBT prieskum 2017/ Slovak LGBT Survey 2017

Veronika Čábi
Vedúca oddelenia rodovej rovnosti a rovnakého zaobchádzania/ Lead of Department of Gender Equality and Equal Treatment
Ministerstvo práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny/ Ministery of Employment, Social Affairs and Family
Diskriminácia LGBTI osôb - dosiahnuté úspechy a zostávajúce výzvy/ Discrimination of LGBTI people – achievements and challenges

Michal Hrebčík
Zástupca predsedu/ Vice Chairman

Sprievodný program/ Supporting program

Networking s občerstvením/ Networking with Refreshment
19:15 – 20:30, Satori Stage
Mickiewiczova 9, Bratislava

Rainbow Cocktail Party
Od 20:00 na záhrade Veľvyslanectva Holandského kráľovstva/ From 20:00 in the garden of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Fraňa Kráľa 5, Bratislava

30. november 2017 LGBT Business Forum 2017

LGBT Business Forum 2017
Štvrtok, 30. november 2017, 13:00 – 19:30
Sheraton Bratislava Hotel, Pribinova 12, Bratislava

We would like to invite you to join us at the LGBT Business Forum and 2nd Diversity Charter Signing Ceremony. The event is organized by Diversity PRO in cooperation with Nadácia PONTIS and Business Leaders Forum. The event is organized as part of Diversity Charter in Slovakia.

LGBT Business Forum 2017

11. október 2017 LGBT Professionals meeting at Lenovo

LGBT Professionals meeting at Lenovo
Streda, 11. október 2017, 18:00 – 20:00
Einsteinova 21, 851 01 Bratislava, Slovenská Republika

Theme: Same-sex families in Slovakia
Language: English

1, Welcome speech from Lenovo
2, Panel discussion
Seth Smiley Humphries, Lenovo Global Diversity & inclusion director
Rami Jacob, Lenovo EMEA Finance Operations Manager
Tomas Hellebrandt, Economist
Barbora Gjurasin, IBM DSW Order to Quote specialist
3, Networking

21. jún 2017 LGBT Professionals meeting at Accenture

LGBT Professionals meeting at Accenture
Streda, 21. jún 2017, 18:30 – 21:00
Accenture Bratislava Delivery Centre, Plynárenská / Prievozská, Bratislava

Dear members and friends,

we would like to invite you to the next LGBT Professionals Network event on 21st June, 2017. We will meet at Accenture to discuss current trends in the area of LGBT at the workplace and to network.

Topic of this meeting will be Bisexual and Transgender Inclussion at the Workplace in Slovakia. Our guest speakers will share with us their personal testimonials being in bi and trans shoes at the workplace, and their experience from HR perspective.


-Welcome note-
Michal Hrebčík, Vice-Chairperson at Diversity Pro
Romina Kollárik, Director at TransFúzia
-Diversity at Accenture-
Lucia Skrakova, HR Program Managerat Accenture
-Bisexual Inclusion in the Workplace (Testimonial)
Lilian Matias, LGBT leader for ERG Diversitas at Lenovo
-Managing Transition in the Workplace-
Barbora Košecová, HR Manager at Competence Call Center s.r.o.
Adam Wiesner, Institute of Ethnology at SAV
-Pride 2017-
Jana Mičeková, member of Pride team
-Close out note-
Ladislava Lukáčová, Chairperson at Diversity Pro

Event will be moderated by Ladislava Lukáčová, Chairperson at Diversity Pro.

Everybody interested is welcome at our LGBT Professionals Network meeting.

9. december 2016 Diskusia: Prínos LGBT zamestnaneckých skupín na pracovisku

Diskusia: Prínos LGBT zamestnaneckých skupín na pracovisku
Piatok, 9. december 2016, 18:00 – 19:30
The Spot, Nám. SNP 30, Bratislava

Aké je postavenie LGBT zamestnaneckých skupín v pracovnom prostredí? Prečo by mali firmy vytvárať priestor pre vznik týchto skupín a podporovať ich existenciu? Ak sa chceš dozvedieť viac príď sa pozrieť a zapojiť do panelovej diskusie, ktorú pri príležitosti Filmového festivalu inakosti, organizuje občianske združenie, Diversity PRO. O svoje skúsenosti sa podelí niekoľko zástupcov renomovaných firiem.

Lilian Matias: Leaderka LGBT zamestnaneckej skupiny, Lenovo
Monika Sormanova: Leaderka LGBT zamestnaneckej skupiny EAGLE, IBM
Lukas Frk: Vice-president LGBT zamestnaneckej skupiny Together, ATT

Moderátorka: Katarína Kohýlová

20. október 2016 LGBT Professionals meeting at Lenovo

LGBT Professionals meeting at Lenovo
Štvrtok, 20. október 2016, 18:00 – 21:00
Lenovo Slovakia, Einsteinova 21, Bratislava

Dear Members,

we would like to invite you to the next LGBT Professionals Network event on 20 October 2016. We will meet on the terrace of Lenovo in Digital park 1 to discuss current trends in the area of LGBT at the workplace.

Event starts with little refreshment at 6 p.m. Meeting agenda starts at 6:30 p.m. for an hour followed by networking.

Martin Pálenik, HR Director, Lenovo: Welcome note
Tibor Havlík, Diversity Pro: "To be or not to be out at work?"
Pavel Šubrt, Co-founder East meets West: "Finding the way to Business equality"
Katarína Zerzanová, Manager, IBM: "Insights from EMW Business Forum 2016"
Katarína Kohylová, Diversity Pro: "Undressing Israel"
Language of the event: English.

We are looking forward to see you soon.

Diversity PRO team


Milí členovia a milé členky,

radi by sme Vás pozvali dňa 20. októbra 2016 na ďalšie stretnutie LGBT Professionals Network. Tentokrát sa stretneme na terase firmy Lenovo v Digital parku. Čakajú nás zaujímavé prezentácie noviniek z oblasti LGBT na pracovisku a networking pri západe slnka.

Stretnutie odštartujeme malým občerstvením o 18:00, program začne o 18:30. Po skončení Vás pozývame na networking.

Martin Pálenik, HR Director, Lenovo: Welcome note
Tibor Havlík, Diversity Pro: "To be or not to be out at work?"
Pavel Šubrt, Co-founder East meets West: "Finding the way to Business equality"
Katarína Zerzanová, Manager, IBM: "Insights from EMW Business Forum 2016"
Katarína Kohylová, Diversity Pro: "Undressing Israel"
Program podujatia: angličtina.

Tešíme sa na Vás

Diversity PRO team

21. september 2016 Odhalený Izrael / Undressing Israel

Odhalený Izrael / Undressing Israel
Streda, 21. september 2016, 19:15 – 21:00
Kino Mladosť, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 17, Bratislava

Premietanie filmu a diskusia, ktoré sa uskutoční v rámci festivalu izraelského dokumentárneho filmu KolNoa, ktorého organizátorom je Veľvyslanectvo Štátu Izrael v Slovenskej republike. Spoluorganizátor večera je nezisková organizácia Diversity Pro.

Undressing Israel: Gay Men in the Promised Land | Izrael | 2012 | 46 min. | anglicky, hebrejsky | slovenské a anglické titulky | scenár: Michael Lucas | réžia: Michael Lucas a Jariv Mozer

Mnoho ľudí si spája Izrael len s vojenskými konfliktmi, či so starodávnym náboženstvom. Židovský štát však nie sú len rakety a modlitby. Vo svojom režijnom dokumentaristickom debute Michael Lucas, inak producent filmov pre dospelých (Lucas Entertainment) a politický komentátor, skúma tvár moderného Izraela, ktorá je často prehliadaná: jeho prosperujúcu gay komunitu. Odhalený Izrael prináša rozhovory s pestrou vzorkou miestnych mužov, vrátane poslanca Knessetu, trénera, ktorý ako otvorený gay slúžil v armáde, mladého arabsko-izraelského novinára a dvojicu oteckov vychovávajúcich svoje deti. Lucas s kamerou zachytil aj pulzujúci nočný život Tel Avivu a svadobné ceremónie párov rovnakého pohlavia v tejto komentovanej prehliadke krajiny, ktorá sa stala priekopníkom gay integrácie a rovnosti na Blízkom a Strednom východe.

Hostia diskusie: Ran Karpo Prince, Peter Karpo Prince.
Moderátorka: Katarína Kohýlová (Diversity Pro)

Posvätné miesta na území Štátu Izrael majú špecifické historické a symbolické postavenie v judaizme, kresťanstve a islame. Takmer 75% obyvateľov Izraela tvoria Židia, ktorých národnú identitu definovalo práve náboženstvo. Ďalších 20% spoločnosti tvoria moslimovia, ktorých postoj nielen k homosexualite (ale napríklad aj k postaveniu žien v spoločnosti), je známy svojou konzervatívnosťou.
Ako sa žije a pracuje gejom, lesbám a transexuálom v Svätej zemi? Aké je postavenie a legislatíva týkajúca sa neheterosexuálnych menšín v Izraeli? Odpovede môžu byť pre Slovákov veľmi prekvapujúce.

Movie screening and discussion are held during Israeli Documentary Film Festival KolNoa, which is organised by Embassy of the State of Israel in Slovakia. This evening event is co-organized by NGO Diversity Pro.

Undressing Israel: Gay Men in the Promised Land | Israel | 2012 | 46 min | English, Hebrew | Slovak and English subtitles
written by Michael Lucas, directed by Michael Lucas and Yariv Mozer

When many people think of Israel, it is often in terms of modern war or ancient religion. But there is much more to the Jewish state then missiles and prayers. In his debut as a documentary filmmaker, adult-film entrepreneur and political columnist Michael Lucas examines a side of Israel that is often overlooked: its thriving gay community. Undressing Israel features interviews with a diverse range of local men, including a gay member of Israel's parliament, a trainer who served openly in the army, a young Arab-Israeli journalist, and a pair of dads raising their kids. Lucas also visits Tel Aviv's vibrant nightlife scene-and a same-sex wedding-in this guided tour to a country that emerged as a pioneer for gay integration and equality in the Middle East. The discussion with the same-sex Slovak-Israeli male couple is following the screening.
DISCUSSION after the movie screening in SLOVAK LANGUAGE.

Guest speakers: Ran Karpo Prince, Peter Karpo Prince
Moderator: Katarína Kohýlová (Diversity Pro)

Sacred places in the territory of the State of Israel have specific historic and symbolic importance in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Almost 75% of Israeli population consists of Jews whose national identity was defined by religion. Additional 20% of inhabitants are Muslims, whose attitude toward homosexuality is usually very rigid. How it is to be gay, lesbian or transgender in the Holy land, then? What is the status and recognition of LGBT minorities within the society and in the workplace? The answers may be very surprising for the Slovaks.

18. november 2015 LGBT Business Forum 2015

LGBT Business Forum 2015
Streda, 18. november 2015, 13:30 – 17:59
Hotel Tatra ****, Námestie 1. mája 5, Bratislava

LGBT Business Forum 2015 is to explore and discuss Diversity & Inclusion at the workplace, with a focus on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) diversity.

LGBT Business Forum 2015

18. jún 2015 LGBT Professionals Network meeting at KPMG

LGBT Professionals Network meeting at KPMG
Štvrtok, 18. jún 2015, 18:00 – 21:30
River Park, Dvořákovo nábrežie 10, Bratislava

Mili clenovia,

radi by sme Vas pozvali dňa 18. júna 2015 na ďalšie stretnutie LGBT Professionals Network. Tentokrat sa stretneme na terase KPMG v River parku. Čakajú nás zaujímavé prezentacie noviniek vo svete LGBT a networking pri západe slnka.

Stretnutie odštartujeme malým občerstvením o 18:00, program začne o 18:30.

Privítanie a Out Now Global LGBT2020 Study - Tibor Havlík, predseda Diversity PRO
Zážitky zo Stonewall konferencie - Ladislava Lukáčová, event manager Diversity PRO
Životné partnerstvo - Martin Macko, výkonný riaditeľ Iniciatíva Inakosť
LGBT Workout komunita - Silvia Florovičová

Po prezentáciách bude nasledovať networking do 21:30 vďaka podpore AT&T a KPMG.

Takto sa k nam dostanete:

Diversity PRO team


Dear Members,

we would like to invite you to the next LGBT Professionals Network event on 18 June 2015. We will meet on the terrace of KPMG in River park to discuss news in LGBT world and to network.

Event starts with little refreshment at 6 p.m. Meeting agenda starts at 6:30 p.m.
Topics presented and discussed:
Welcome note and Out Now Global LGBT2020 Study - Tibor Havlík, chairman of Diversity PRO
Stonewall conference experience - Lada Lukáčová, event manager of Diversity PRO
Zivotne partnerstvo - Martin Macko, executive director of Iniciatíva Inakosť
LGBT Workout community - Silvia Florovičová

Social hours on the terrace will follow the presentations untill 9:30 p.m. with kind support of AT&T and KPMG.

How to get to the event:

Diversity PRO team

28. január 2015 Queer Beer & LGBT Professionals

Queer Beer & LGBT Professionals
Streda, 28. január 2015, 18:00 – 01:00
Re:fresh club, Ventúrska 5, Bratislava

Queer Beer sa spojilo s Diversity Pro a ich eventom LGBT Professionals. Ak chcete stretnúť zaujimavých queer ľudí zo Slovenska i zahraničia, ktorým sa darí v medzinárodných a domácich firmách, tak ideálnou príležitosťou bude práve Queer Beer 28. januára. A dokonca prvých 100 návštevníkov dostane pivo zadarmo. V priestoroch príjemného baru Re:fresh vás čaká aj výborná kuchyňa, i pre veganov. A večer vám spríjemní dídžej Vesnu so svojim housovým setom. Vstup je klasicky zdarma.

Queer beer has joined forces with Diversity Pro and their event LGBT Professionals. If you want to get to know some successful queer people from home and abroad you will get the chance on the 28th of January in Re:fresh club. You can look forward to good food, cuisine fitting also for vegans, and the first 100 guests will get a free beer. All this accompanied by queer beer resident DJ Vesnu and his house set. Entry is free.


23. október 2014 LGBT Business Forum 2014: Diversity Leads to Innovation

LGBT Business Forum 2014: Diversity Leads to Innovation
Štvrtok, 23. október 2014, 13:00 – 19:00
Austria Trend Hotel Bratislava, Vysoká 2A, Bratislava

LGBT Business Forum 2014 is to explore and discuss Diversity & Inclusion at the workplace, with a focus on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) diversity.

This year's focus is on how diversity helps innovation and how companies can drive the change not only as employers but as important voice in the society.

LGBT Business Forum 2014

29. apríl 2014 LGBT Professionals Networking Meeting

LGBT Professionals Networking Meeting
Utorok, 29. apríl 2014, 18:00 – 20:00
Dell, s.r.o., Fazulova 7, Bratislava

We would like to invite you to the LGBT Professionals meeting. Our aim is to promote and encourage LGBT visibility and empowerment at the workplace. We look forward to seeing you, sharing and collaborating.

To participate please join Facebook Event or email us.


Welcome speech:
18:20 – 18:25 Ms. Silvia Jeleníková, Dell
18:25 – 18:30 Mr. Michal Hrebčík, DiversityPRO
LGBT Highlights 2014:
18:30 – 18:50 Ms. Karin Páleníková, Dell
18:50 – 19:10 Mr. Marian Bartek, IBM
19:10 – 19:30 Mr. Ludo Swinnen & Pavel Šubrt,
Prague Business Forum
19:30 – 19:50 Mr. Robert Pakan, NOMANTINELS Theater
Post Meeting Drinks & Discussions
20:00 – 22:00 Savage Garden Cafe Bar Restaurant

Official language


Speaker Bios

To find more about the speakers please visit our Facebook Event Page.

29. október 2013 Diskusia: LGBT a jej priaznivci na pracovisku

Diskusia: LGBT a jej priaznivci na pracovisku
Utorok, 29. október 2013, 18:00 – 20:00
The Spot SK, Nám. SNP 30, Bratislava

LGBT komunita sa čím ďalej tým viac prejavuje i v pracovnom prostredí. Bratislava nie je žiadnou výnimkou. Ak chceš zistiť viac príď sa pozrieť a zapojiť do panelovej diskusie, ktorú pri príležitosti Filmového festivalu inakosti, organizuje občianske združenie, Diversity PRO. O svoje skúsenosti sa podelí hneď niekoľko zástupcov renomovaných firiem.

Ladislava Lukacova, členka Diversity PRO
Michal Hrebcik, Lenovo
Peter Sedliak, Dell
Diana Pruchnerovicova, členka Diversity PRO

Moderátor: Marek Novotny, Diversity PRO


Panel Discussion: LGBT and Straight Allies at the Workplace

The LGBT community is becoming increasingly visible at the workplace, and Bratislava is no exception. To learn more about LGBT at the workplace, join us for a panel discussion organized by Diversity PRO organization, at the occasion of the Slovak Queer Film Festival. We've invited representatives of several large companies in different stages of LGBT networks activities, to share their experiences.

Ladislava Lukacova, Diversity PRO member
Michal Hrebcik, Lenovo
Peter Sedliak, Dell
Diana Pruchnerovicova, Diversity PRO member

Moderator: Marek Novotny, Diversity PRO

14. október 2013 Social Hour: Wine Tasting @ Sheraton Hotel

Social Hour: Wine Tasting @ Sheraton Hotel
Pondelok, 14. október 2013, 18:00 – 21:00
Amber's Bar / Sheraton Bratislava Hotel, Amber's Bar / Sheraton Hotel Bratislava, Pribinova 12, Bratislava

LGBT Professionals Network event:

Let's get together on Monday 14.10, for an after-work toast and networking!

We have prepared for you a special wine-tasting menu:
3 glassed of wine at 5€

There will be additional special offers on the menu.

Looking forward to seeing you!

19. september 2013 PRIDE in BUSINESS

Štvrtok, 19. september 2013, 14:00 – 17:00
Sheraton Bratislava Hotel, Pribinova 12, Bratislava

On September 19th, please join us for a special event of collaboration, innovation and idea sharing.

We have prepared a set of interactive sessions, designed for the different roles and perspectives in the workplace, driving for change and new ideas in the area of LGBT Diversity and Inclusion.

Our objective is to define together the journey and next steps for an inclusive and diverse workplace.

PRIDE in Business

7. august 2013 Workshop a diskusia: Bratislava PRIDE 2013

Workshop a diskusia: Bratislava PRIDE 2013
Streda, 7. august 2013, 18:00 – 20:00
Tower 115, Pribinova 25, Bratislava

Radi by sme Vás pozvali na Workshop s Tomášom Poganyom a diskusiu s Romanou Schlesinger na tému: Aké sú možnosti spolupracovať s Bratislava PRIDE teamom.

Workshop bude prebiehať v slovenskom jazyku, diskusia v slovenskom a anglickom jazyku.

Bližšie informácie: http://goo.gl/5V57l

1. august 2013 Pieces of Rainbow: LGBT Life in Different Countries

Pieces of Rainbow: LGBT Life in Different Countries
Štvrtok, 1. august 2013, 18:00 – 20:30
Institut Français de Slovaquie, Sedlárska 7, Bratislava

Summer time is travel time. For our summer event, Diversity PRO would like to take you on a journey to some foreign countries to learn something about what gay and lesbian life is like on other spots of the planet.

This event is kindly hosted by Mr. Jean-Marie Bruno, Ambassador of France in Bratislava at the French Institute.


18:00 Registration, Networking
18:30 Welcome: Mr. Jean-Marie Bruno
Update on Diversity PRO: Gili Gershonok

“Smells like LGBT spirit- LGBT life and community in Portugal”
Speaker: Joana Viana

”LGBT Community versus Brazilian culture”
Speaker: Lilly Matias

19:30 Networking

From 21:00 – Drinks & Networking at SKY Bar: https://www.facebook.com/events/470489563040638/

LGBT Professionals Network

20. jún 2013 LGBT Business Forum: Leadership Through Networks

LGBT Business Forum: Leadership Through Networks
Štvrtok, 20. jún 2013, 13:00 – 18:00
Austria Trend Hotel Bratislava, Vysoká 2A, Bratislava

LGBT Business Forum 2013 is to explore and discuss Diversity & Inclusion at the workplace, with a focus on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) diversity.

LGBT Business Forum 2013

12. jún 2013 Alternative Dispute Resolution, Activism and LGBT Rights (WEBCHAT+VIEWING EVENT)

Alternative Dispute Resolution, Activism and LGBT Rights (WEBCHAT+VIEWING EVENT)
Streda, 12. jún 2013, 18:00 – 20:00
IBM, Tower 115, Pribinova 25, Bratislava

Join a viewing party or log-on online. Log-on details will be published shortly before the event.

Many countries across Europe, as well as the United States experience challenges in creating a supportive environment for their LGBT members.

The Council of Europe recognizes the need for constant vigilance and, through its standards and mechanisms, aims to promote and ensure respect for the human rights and dignity of every individual, including LGBT persons and to combat discrimination and violence against them in the 47 member states.

Join two alternative dispute experts and an LGBT activist lawyer for a conversation about identifying best practices and strategies for supporting LGBT individuals and sensitizing our communities, family members and friends on ways to create and provide inclusive environments for all members of society.

~~ About The Speakers
U.S. District Court Judge Wayne Brazil, a law professor at University of California – Berkeley Law School, has served as the Northern District of California’s first ADR Magistrate Judge for over 15 years.

Ericka Schmidt, a 2013 graduate of University of California Hastings College of Law, has worked in the human rights field – specifically on LGBT issues – for several years.

Former Justice Minister of Slovenia Mr. Aleš Zalar, an International Visitor Leadership Program Gold Star participant, is an ADR Expert with the European Center for Dispute Resolution.

Barbara Rajgelj, PhD, is Assistant Professor on the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana. Her work focuses on human rights, family, and labor law.

Kevin Sessums is an American author, actor, and editor. His memoir, Mississippi Sissy, chronicles his childhood in Forest, Mississippi.

The program will be held in English and posts/individuals can submit questions through a webchat format.

14. máj 2013 LGBT Professionals: After Hours

LGBT Professionals: After Hours
Utorok, 14. máj 2013, 18:30 – 21:00
LemonTree - Sky Bar, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 7, Bratislava

An after work networking event for all members and new friends.

12. marec 2013 LGBT Professionlas: LGBT & Diversity Management

LGBT Professionlas: LGBT & Diversity Management
Utorok, 12. marec 2013, 18:00 – 20:30
IBM Freshers, Millennium Tower II, Vajnorská 100/a, Bratislava

We are delighted to welcome you to the third LGBT Professionals meeting. Our aim is to promote and encourage LGBT visibility and empowerment at the workplace. We look forward to seeing you, sharing and collaborating.


18:00 – 18:30 Reception and Networking
18:30 – 19:00 Managers' Approaches to LGBT Inclusive Environment
Laura Hounsome & Rami Jacob
19:00 – 19:30 European LGBT Networks in Context of Diversity Management
Manfred J. Wondrak
19:30 – 19:55 Bratislava PRIDE 2013
Richard Fekete, Romana Schlesinger & Roman Kollarik
19:55 – 20:15 LGBT Professionals & LGBT Business Forum: Moving Forward
Gili Gershonok
20:15 – 20:45 Networking

Official language



14. január 2013 LGBT Professionals: A Toast to 2013

LGBT Professionals: A Toast to 2013
Pondelok, 14. január 2013, 19:00 – 22:00
Blue Star Bar, Banskobystrická 18, Bratislava

Let's toast together for a new year!
Your guests are welcome!

20. november 2012 LGBT Professionals: A Rainbow of Perspectives

LGBT Professionals: A Rainbow of Perspectives
Utorok, 20. november 2012, 18:00 – 21:00
IBM, Millenium Tower II, Vajnorská 100/b, Bratislava

We are delighted to welcome you to the second LGBT Professionals meeting. Our aim is to promote and encourage LGBT visibility and empowerment at the workplace. We look forward to seeing you, sharing and collaborating.


18:00 – 18:30 Reception & Registration
18:45 – 19:10 Welcome & Introduction:
Radka Blumlova, Country HR Leader - IBM
Wiktor Dynarski, Trans-Fuzja - TDOR
19:15 – 19:45 Ludo Swinnen,
Austrian Gay Professionals - AGPRO
19:50 – 20:00 Karoly Cseuz, EAGLE at IBM
20:00 – 21:00 Networking

Topics in discussion

  • Promoting LGBT visibility and empowerment at the workplace
  • TDOR: Transgender Day of Remembrance
  • LGBT networks and visibility
  • Perspective of Straight Allies

Official language



18. september 2012 LGBT Professionlas: Kick Off Event

LGBT Professionlas: Kick Off Event
Utorok, 18. september 2012, 18:00 – 21:00
IBM, Millenium Tower II, Vajnorská 100/b, Bratislava


18:00 – 18:30 Reception & Registration
18:30 – 19:00 Introduction & Welcome
19:00 – 20:00 Open Discussion & Workshop
20:00 – 21:00 Networking

Official language


Suggested discussion topics

  • Does our company have a Diversity & Inclusion policy / values on global level?
  • Is LGBT considered and named a diversity group?
  • How is our company supporting Diversity globally / in other countries?
  • Who is sponsoring LGBT Diversity on local levels in other countries?
  • Who are the Diversity/LGBT leaders?
  • Am I an LGBT Leader? Do I want to be?

6. jún 2012 LGBT Business Forum 2012: From Global to Local

LGBT Business Forum 2012: From Global to Local
Streda, 6. jún 2012, 15:00 – 18:00
French Institute, Sedlárska 7, Bratislava

We would like to open this quite new topic for the Slovak business environment, inviting representatives of multinational and local companies, market opinion makers, human resources specialists, diversity program managers as well as government representants to engage in discussion, share experience and gain knowledge.

The Roundtable will address topics including:

  • What can employers do to create an environment that enables LGBT talent to reach their full potential?
  • Bridging a company's global Diversity & Inclusion strategy, and the application and inclusion of LGBT diversity in local context.
  • Bringing global and multicultural experience to Slovak environment and supporting a stronger and more empowered LGBT community.


15:00 – 15:25 Registration & Refreshments
15:30 – 15:45 Welcome Notes
Ľubica Rozborová, Facilitator
Mr. Jean-Marie Bruno, Ambassador of France
15:45 – 15:55 Speakers
Rainbow PRIDE Bratislava

Roman Kollárik, QLF Board Member
15:55 – 16:05 Policy makers
Mrs. Rannveig Skofteland, First Secretary, Embassy of Norway
Mr. Theodore Sedgwick, Ambassador of United States
16:05 – 16:30 IBM
Marijn Pijnenburg, Global Business Development Executive
Andrej Briska, Leadership Development Specialist
Gili Gershonok, Rmployees Alliance for LGBT Empowerment
16:25 – 16:50 Microsoft
Tomáš Koška, On-line Business Group Lead CEE Region
16:50 – 17:00 Unitea
Matúš Kováčik, Freeworker and Co-worker
17:00 – 17:45 Interactive Workshop + Q&A
17:45 – 18:30 Refreshments & Networking


The event is organized by Queer Leaders Forum in co-operation with IBM and hosted by the French Ambassador to Slovakia, Mr. Jean-Marie Bruno.

Official language


More info

Visit 'From Global to Local' page


Hlavný partner
